Akira Kodama

Akira Kodama main photo


Akira performs a crucial role as CFO within the SEEL team, using his experience of UK, US and Japanese markets to complement his background in financial, legal and commercial activities within the wider Sumitomo organisation.

After completing his faculty of law at university, Akira joined Sumitomo Corporation in 2002. Through his 20 years with the company, Akira has been mainly involved in upstream oil and gas and have also served 4 years in risk management/investment support type of role, including various A&D transactions.

Prior to arriving in London in 2019 as CFO of Summit Exploration and Production Limited (SEPL), Akira stationed in Houston for unconventional upstream oil and gas business during 2012 to 2017. After the divestment of SEPL completed in June 2022, Akira took the current role to build up SEEL’s portfolio in the Energy Transition space.

The projects and initiatives that are beginning the journey

Find out more about how SEEL are involved in a series of projects around the Bacton gas terminals in Norfolk. Learn more about the Baction Energy Hub, Bacton Hydrogen Hub (bH2) and Bacton Thames Net Zero (BTNZ) initiative and how future NSTA licensing rounds will create further opportunities.